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Starring: Katherine Heigl, Josh Duhamel, Josh Lucas, Christina Hendricks, Jessica St. Clair, Britt Flatmo
Director: Greg Berlanti
Release Date: October 8th, 2010
Release Date: 8th October, 2010
Synopsis: After a disastrous first date, the only thing Holly Berenson and Eric Messer have in common is their dislike for each other and their love for their goddaughter, Sophie. But when they suddenly become all Sophie has in the world after she loses her parents, Holly and Eric are forced to put their differences aside.
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Life as We Know It is an upcoming 2010 romantic comedy film directed by Greg Berlanti and starring Katherine Heigl and Josh Duhamel. The film is scheduled to be released on October 8, 2010.
Movie Review from
Knocked Up’s Katherine Heigl returns to the baby-boom comedy — but this time, it’s someone else’s sprogs. Holly’s best friends die in a car crash, leaving their child Sophie to her and their friend Eric (Josh Duhamel). Naturally, he is a self-serving ladies’ man whom she loathes, and so they must bicker and eventually bond over dirty nappies and nosy neighbours. So, the outline’s no great shakes, and the tone’s changeable: it goes from poignant drama to perky comedy without much respect for the fictional dead.
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Movie Review from
In case you haven’t seen Katherine Heigl play uptight, quirky and terminally single often enough, another chance awaits in Greg Berlanti’s awkward slapstick/melodrama mash-up. Heigl is caterer Holly, who meets boorish Eric (Josh Duhamel) on a disastrous date set up by friends. After said friends’ death by plot machination, care of their orphaned young daughter falls to our seemingly mismatched heroes. Cue wacky (but patchy) Adventures In Parenting hijinks.
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Movie Review from
Move over, cupid; it’s time for the angel of death to play matchmaker in Life As We Know It, a rom-com from director Greg Berlanti and first-time screenwriters Ian Deitchman and Kristin Rusk Robinson which proves the old adage that there’s no better catalyst for love — and comic hijinks — than the sudden, tragic demise of loved ones. Holly Berenson (Katherine Heigl) and Eric Messer (Josh Duhamel) could not be more different.
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Movie Review from
You could write this one in your sleep. A married couple sends two of their friends, bubbly caterer Holly (Katherine Heigl) and playboy TV technician Messer (Josh Duhamel) on a date that goes badly. That should be the end of that, yet the fallout of a tragedy requires that the two live under their friends’ roof and raise their baby. The debate is low. Will they? Won’t they? Can he change a nappy? This is yet another spin on the mismatched-couple comedy, although luckily there’s enough of a spark between Heigl and Duhamel.
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Movie Review from
It’s with a combination of resentment and relief that I tell you that this is not the most horrible film ever made. In fact, if they’d edited out the weakest stabs at obvious “we’re so different” humor and kept the cutting, sometimes-funny insults coming, if these two people had spent more than 30 seconds of screen time grieving the deaths of their best friends and and less time cutely falling love and whining about how they’re not ready to be parents, you’d have a sharper-edged drama about tragedy and its aftermath, one everybody could be proud of.
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Movie Review from
We have reached the point — it arrived with Ashley Judd, it arrived with J.Lo — where a Katherine Heigl vehicle means something specific. Her character must be prim and passive-aggressive (Heigl fortes) and must huffily put up with some situation of which she thoroughly disapproves. In Knocked Up it was getting pregnant with a loser, in Killers marrying a trained assassin. In Life As We Know It, it’s raising an orphaned baby, and doing so in the company of her least favourite abortive blind date (Josh Duhamel, swilling beer in his boxers).
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Britt Flatmo, Christina Hendricks, Greg Berlanti, Jessica St. Clair, Josh Duhamel, Josh Lucas, Katherine Heigl
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Available Now on DVD and Blu-ray
Life as We Know It
Star: Katherine Heigl, Josh Duhame | Dir: Greg Berlanti
Blu-ray | Cert PG-13 | 114 Mins
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Life as We Know It
Star: Katherine Heigl, Josh Duhame | Dir: Greg Berlanti
DVD | Cert PG-13 | 114 Mins
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Available Now on iTunes
Life as We Know It
Star: Katherine Heigl, Josh Duhame | Dir: Greg Berlanti
Cert 12 | 96 Mins
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